In these tours, Oisho Sawaragi provides the visitors with special and real experiences by using unique connection with shrines or temples and other professionals in Kyoto.

Reservation Steps予約の流れ
1.Make Reservationご予約
Please select your preferred date, time, shooting location, and plan.
Please confirm the reservation details and make payment. Payment shall be made in advance by credit card.
3.Visited our shop on the date当日
Please come to the shop at the reserved time on the day of the reservation.
Key Points選ばれる理由
- ① Authentic wedding costumes made of pure silk with craftsmanship from a long-established wedding costume rental shop founded in Kyoto 48 years ago are provided.
- 京都で創業48年老舗婚礼貸衣装店の職人の技術が光る正絹の本格婚礼衣装をご用意
- ② Photography can be taken at special locations, undisclosed temples, and other locations unique to Kyoto.
- 特別な場所や非公開寺院や京都らしい場所で撮影を行えます
- ③ Preparations can be made at the store in Higashiyama, north of Nijo Castle, the center of Kyoto’s sightseeing spots.
- 京都の観光の中心地二条城北・東山店舗にてお支度いただけます
- ④ Professionals who know Kyoto inside and out will take beautiful photos for you.
- 京都を知り尽くしたプロカメラマンによる美しいお写真を残せます
- ⑤ We provide complete production services from the shooting location to costumes and photography arrangements.
- 撮影場所から衣装や撮影手配まで全てトータルプロデュースいたします
- ⑥ A wide variety of options are available to meet your needs in detail.
- 豊富なオプションメニューでご要望に細かく対応できます
About Our Planプランの特徴

Photo wedding plan for indoor studio with garden
庭園付きスタジオ館内撮影フォトウエディング プラン
This plan offers a casual photo shoot in an indoor studio with a garden and sliding doors with tatami mats, wearing authentic wedding kimonos. The experience is quick and easy, with no weather concerns or travel burdens.
97,900yen(tax included)~
Procedure on the day 当日の流れ
- 1.Visiting our shop
- 2.Selecting Kimono
- 3.Dressing for men and women and hair set and makeup for women
- 4.Indoor shooting
- 1.ご来店
- 2.着物選び
- 3.男女着付けと女性ヘアメイク
- 4.屋内撮影

Location photo wedding plan
ロケーションフォトウエディング プラン
This plan offers a Kyoto-style sightseeing location photo shoot wearing traditional authentic Japanese kimonos. You can feel history and enjoy Japanese culture while shooting with a professional photographer.
140,800yen(tax included)~
Procedure on the day 当日の流れ
- 1.Visiting our shop
- 2.Selecting Kimono
- 3.Dressing for men and women and hair set and makeup for women
- 4.Traveling to the shooting location
- 5.Sightseeing location shooting
- 1.ご来店
- 2.着物選び
- 3.男女着付けと女性ヘアメイク
- 4.撮影場所まで移動
- 5.観光ロケーション撮影

Location photo wedding plan at famous shrines and temples in Kyoto
京都の有名神社仏閣ロケーションフォトウエディング プラン
This plan offers photo shoots at Kyoto’s famous shrines and temples in specially permitted locations wearing authentic traditional Japanese attire. A professional photographer takes your pictures in Kyoto’s most authentic places, allowing you to fully enjoy Japanese culture in this extraordinary plan.
155,100yen(tax included)~
Procedure on the day 当日の流れ
- 1.Visiting our shop
- 2.Selecting Kimono
- 3.Dressing for men and women and hair set and makeup for women
- 4.Traveling to the shooting location
- 5.Location shooting at famous shrines and temples
- 1.ご来店
- 2.着物選び
- 3.男女着付けと女性ヘアメイク
- 4.屋内撮影
- 5.有名神社仏閣ロケーション撮影
Common contents for all plansプラン共通
- Wedding costume for a groom and bride (Japanese kimono, Weddingdress or Shiromuku or Uchikake for a bride and Hakama or Tuxed for a groom)
新郎新婦各1点(洋装 or 和装) - Accessories required for the above costumes including underwear and other various goods to wear kimono properly
衣装小物一式 - Hair arrangement and makeup for the bride and dressing for the groom and bride,attend
新郎着付け・新婦ヘアメイク着付け・アテンド - Photo shooting and photo data (100-150 images.)
写真撮影 撮影データ(100?150カットお渡し)
- Additional costume plan
衣装追加プラン - Children’s kimono plan
Additional costumes are available(plus 33,000yen for groom, 77,000yen for bride.)
衣裳追加は追加料金新郎 3万円・新婦 7万円です。
- This plan is for 2 persons/group.
- 2名1組のご利用プランになります。
- Payment must be made in advance at the time of reservation.
- お支払いはご予約時に事前決済になります。
- Reservations must be made at least one week in advance.
- 1週間前までご予約が必要です。
- Japanese style wigs are available (additional charge.)
- カツラ代は別途料金
- The shooting route may be subject to change due to weather or locations.
- 天候や場所により撮影ルートが変更になる場合がございます。
- If there are other guests besides the bride and groom who wish to accompany them, please contact our staff in advance.
- 新郎新婦以外に同行ご希望の方がいる場合は事前にスタッフまでお問い合わせください。
Shop | OISHO_SAWARAGI お衣裳さわらぎ |
Address | 〒602-8143 507-6, Nakanocho Kamigyoku, Kyoto, Japan 〒602-8143 京都市上京区猪熊通丸太町下ル中之町507-6 |
Open hours | 10:00-18:00 Wed. and 2nd & 4th Thu.are closed |
Tel. | 075-812-1895 |
Parking | available |